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One-Liner: Ticket to Ride on Game and Player

One-Liner: Ticket to Ride

Alexandr Beran  //  December 27, 2009

Does your immersion start in the real world?


he streets are wet and the gutters are clogged. The wind is failing to move around leaves heavy with dirty rain. A beanie lies in a puddle in front of an empty hair salon. Somewhere somebody is hatless — probably bald and alone. This is Dead Space weather.

Until virtual reality becomes a viable option for thrill seeking gamers, our rooms are forced to be the backdrop of our gaming experiences. This is the part I hate most about modern-day life. Immersion is what I crave, and having someone shout to me from the kitchen during Silent Hill doses of static interference brings the high crashing down. Daytime with the shades drawn and people about begs for Super Mario, while nighttime with soft, dim bulbs cries for InFamous.

What is it that you must have in your surroundings when playing games is the plan? What state must you be in every time? Maybe a beverage is all you need to properly enter other worlds. I'm obviously high-maintenance when it comes to dimensional travel.

Michael Ubaldi // December 27, 2009 // 9:05 AM

When the leaves began to fall and the cold rain arrived this year, I was hit by a strong urge to play The Orange Box. Overcast skies and snow are perfect for World of Warcraft, while warm and fragrant breezes are welcomed to pass through my balcony screen door as I play the current multiplayer shooter favorite.

Matthew Mosely // December 27, 2009 // 7:38 PM

I just need peace & quiet & a beverage of sorts. No interruptions from roommates talking about random stories or phone calls to interrupt my immersion.
Just me, my controller, a drink & my comfy chair.

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